For the past few days, the entire world witnessed a global economic trauma. The heat of this intercontinental recession was present across all the corners of the globe. The major economic superpowers were badly affected. And following them were the midsized developing nations, who’s much of the economic development is dependent on these economic stalwarts’ nations. And all in all, the situation is moving slowly towards a global stale mate with most of the major companies aggressively looking at cost cutting strategy.
As most of the economies of the nation depend largely on the import of the crude oil and a slight change of the price of it makes a far reaching impact on that nation. With the recent hike in crude price of oil per barrel, and hitting almost a all time high, all the countries are badly affected. They are facing a very inflation with price hike of almost all the items. The prices of the daily commodities are also raised making it very difficult for the common people. Almost everyone today thinks twice before spending and making the final call and closing the deal. With the huge overhead expenditure and the rise in price most of them are looking ways to reduce cost and opting for much greater optimization. Mobilization of the unused resources and using the existing resources is the mantra of the day. And this is reflected across all the sections of the society.
But with this unprecedented turns of events across the sphere there are a few positives that sprang up almost instantly. Most of the nations will actively thing of reducing dependency on petrol will look for alternative viable sources of energy. To meet the common energy needs of the public and industries more research will be directed at tapping the unconventional sources of energy. This will also make the world devoid of pollution and a better place to live in. Also with the current cost raise people will use their disposable income more intelligently. And this will lead to production of more efficenent and less costly devices to make our life and living easier.